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News and opinion

Keep up-to-date with the latest stories and developments in the world of health and safety

Safer, healthier, happier

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced there will be a General Election on Thursday 04 July.

Read our summary of key calls to action for the next UK Parliament and check out our full manifesto.

  • 'Asking for help with dyslexia was one of my best decisions'
  • Don’t put all our eggs in one basket with new tech
  • Health and safety profession flying the flag for sustainable goals
  • Is the OSH profession moral or ethical?
  • “Blanket approach to return to work will be ineffective”, says IOSH
  • Proactive approach needed to stop health and safety standards slipping
  • Workplace strategies for preventing suicide
  • Why you’re probably doing CPD without realising it
  • Together we can make a real difference
  • Flexible work must not remain “pipe dream”, says IOSH
  • Working together to achieve a shared vision
  • Why we must look to continually improve

Contact the media team

If you’re a journalist looking to set up an interview, get a quote, or with another enquiry, call our media team on +44 (0)116 257 3118.