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Our impact 2023–24


Our five-year strategy, Activate 2028, supports our members and other occupational safety and health professionals to make their organisations safer and healthier.

We’re working to make sure everything we do has an impact – on individual workers, on their organisations and communities, on economies and internationally.

It’s been a tremendous year.

Vanessa Harwood-Whitcher, IOSH Chief Executive

An authority that leads

We’re influencing governments, policy-makers and standard setters around the world on occupational safety and health (OSH).

This year

  • we gained Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
  • we joined the Global Coalition for Social Justice at the invitation of the International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • we continued to collaborate with the Commonwealth, ILO and World Health Organization (WHO) to improve healthcare workers’ health, safety and wellbeing

This year we published nine new or revised OSH policy positions

Learn more

IOSH members are everywhere

Membership worldwide exceeded 50,000, with 10,885 outside the UK

World map showing locations of IOSH members

We played an active role in lobbying the UK government on the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill.

And it’s not just talk

We’ve identified four projects in Ghana and Kenya where workers face chronic harm. We’ll chart how our support will make a difference.

Active thought leadership

At selected platforms we demonstrated the critical role of OSH.

Highlights from our year

  • September 202310th Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting London, UK
  • November 2023WHO ‘Towards healthier, safer and more resilient workplace global forum’ Geneva, Switzerland
  • December 2023IOSH joined the ILO’s Global Coalition for Social Justice

Making the OSH profession shine

Behind every successful profession there is a strong professional body. That’ll be us, then…


  • 50,697 members
  • Student membership up 8.3 per cent (from 539 to 584)
  • 763 new Chartered and Chartered Fellow members 

…and motivated

  • 74% of members at higher grades1Footnote details used Blueprint to record their continuing professional development.
  • 46% of senior members2Footnote details updated their professional ethics training.
  1. Technical, Certified and Chartered members and Chartered Fellows
  2. Chartered Members and Chartered Fellows did this by completing the Ethical Practice in OSH e-learning and assessment

We’ve introduced processes to future-proof our members’ development.

New membership grades

  • simpler structure
  • stronger standards

New experiential route

  • progress to CertIOSH or CMIOSH
  • valuing experience, not just qualifications

New qualifications

  • IOSH Level 3 Certificate
  • IOSH Level 6 Diploma


with reverse mentoring (new!)


with career development mentoring


with peer-to-peer mentoring (new!)

Some of our most dedicated members serve as volunteers on committees, are active in our governance or represent us externally. We can’t achieve our vision without their support, knowledge and expertise.

Our special thanks to them!

Group of volunteers listening
Volunteer Group At Education Meeting
Group Of Volunteers Clapping At Conference
Activate 2028