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Hands of gold – shea butter farmers

Upper East Ghana, Africa

Shea butter is in demand. Yet the women who produce it make very little money. What’s more, poor working conditions mean many of them are not fit to work by their 40s. So, what can we do? We’ve documented the current situation to galvanise support from those who can help. We will contribute our occupational safety and health (OSH) expertise while working alongside our partners to make these women’s lives safer and healthier.

These are based on the risk assessment recommendations for a safer and healthier working life for the shea butter workers and include both short- and long-term targets. You can download the risk assessment at the bottom of this page.

Provide workers with the tools and facilities to conduct their work in a safe and healthy way.

"The crushing part is very difficult for us because our hands and shoulders really hurt. Sometimes you accidentally hit your finger and you can't continue working."

Job role

Who is involved

  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
  • International Social Security Association (ISSA)
  • Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council (CWEIC)
  • Commonwealth Business Women Africa (CBW-Africa)
  • Government of Ghana
  • Embassy of Germany
  • Rotary Club
  • Shea butter farmers and textile weavers
  • UK High Commission Ghana
  • IOSH consultants
  • Local IOSH members
  1. Local OSH experts and IOSH members have conducted an impartial risk assessment to assess the current conditions.

    • Formed a co-operative, Lana Empire Africa, bringing the women into the formal economy.
    • Lana Empire Africa gained Food and Drug Administration approval for their products, opening new markets with better prices. Shipments are already on the way across Africa and to Europe.
  2. Investors can now see how Lana Empire Africa can supply factory settings and machinery, enabling the co-operative to submit funding applications.

  3. The women have transitioned to the formal economy and co-operatives have been registered through the Food and Drug Administration approval process. This means they are able sell their products and can quantify the quality to local and international markets at better price points.

  4. They have attracted formal buyers, meaning the possibility of receiving large, high-value orders is now a reality.​ 

  5. A shea butter factory has been funded and is currently being built.

Female worker stirs a pot containing the shea butter mush

Next steps

Keep your eye out for updates. New films documenting progress are coming in 2025.

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