Guidance and resources for OSH professionals
Are you passionate about creating a safe and healthy world of work? We want to give you the support and guidance you need at every stage of your career.

Assess your competence
IOSH Blueprint helps you build and demonstrate your competence as an occupational safety and health (OSH) professional. It’s an all-in-one package for career and self-development activity, comprising four elements. Step one is to assess your capabilities and develop your professional plan.

Your professional journey
We want our members to be the best they can be. Your membership level reflects your experience and ongoing investment in both your career and the wider OSH profession. Our new membership grades structure has more clearly defined entry routes, transparent progression and a new experiential route to membership.
Get involved
Not yet a member?
Join our thriving community of over 50,000 OSH professionals. Our membership is recognised worldwide and brings many benefits. It's also an excellent way to support our vision of creating a safer and healthier world for all workers.

Video series
Back to basics
Our new video series covers the foundations of good occupational safety and health practise.
Duncan Spencer, our Head of Advice and Practice, guides you through the key concepts in five short chapters.
You'll learn about how understanding competency allows you to make and test reasonable judgements and control risks.

Ethical practice
Ethical practice underpins everything we do as OSH professionals. It’s about trust and integrity and doing the right thing even when no-one is watching. Our Ethical Practice in OSH e-learning and assessment provides up-to-date content on ethical considerations.
Qualifications and courses
Are you qualified?
Our professional qualifications develop and recognise the excellence and expertise of OSH professionals and aim to improve global standards.

Become a consultant
The Occupational Safety and Health Consultants Register (OSHCR) is an online register of chartered health and safety consultants.
OSHCR is governed by IOSH. All registered consultants meet strict eligibility criteria, meaning that businesses can be confident they are receiving high-quality health and safety advice from their OSHCR professional.
Be a Vision Zero hero
Vision Zero is a global initiative to eradicate all work-related accidents and illness. It promotes a modern workplace culture of prevention. Its flexibility means it can be embedded in organisations of any size and industry and in any country across the world.