Expert guidance and research library
Free occupational safety and health resources
Explore and download our research and expert guidance on occupational safety and health.
Guidance by topic
Learn how to manage safety and health risks in the workplace with our range of topical guidance. It’s an accessible way to develop your professional expertise and start to move your career forward. If you’re a member, you can also access exclusive content on our Blueprint platform. Here’s a selection of some of the topics we cover and there's lots more available in the guidance library.

Research library
We develop, support and promote research that improves safety and health in the workplace through evidence-based studies. Our research fund was created in 2003 and we’re proud to fund a wealth of research that informs policy and practice across all sectors.

Learn the basics
Our video series starts with the foundations of good occupational safety and health practise.
Duncan Spencer, our Head of Advice and Practice, guides you through the key concepts in five short chapters.
You'll learn about how understanding competency allows you to make and test reasonable judgements to control risks.

Technical helpline
Anyone needing advice on occupational safety and health can contact our experts free of charge.
Our members also have access to employment law advice, all you have to do is quote your membership number.
Exclusive for members
Many of our resources are mapped to our competency framework to support your learning and development. IOSH members can access more in-depth resources on our Blueprint platform, which include the principles underpinning various topics and feature practical examples and case studies.