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Performing under fire

North Wales

18 July 2024



We make over 20,000 decisions a day while facing uncertainty, particularly in risk-critical situations as well as the business environment, where staff from all levels are doing more with less.

Risks and threats highly impact people and organisations whether it's:

  • conflict at work
  • managing relationships
  • chairing meetings
  • restructuring a department
  • facing a major business interruption or crisis.

The common thread is that pressure in life is a certainty and how we respond makes the difference.

Join this North Wales Branch event to learn how by employing some of the most effective tried-and-tested behaviours and techniques from the world of emergency services and sport, anyone can develop and improve their response when under pressure in any situation.

Joined by speaker Mark J Kassab, Leadership, Emergency and Crisis Response Consultant and Performance Coach.



We make over 20,000 decisions a day while facing uncertainty, particularly in risk-critical situations as well as the business environment, where staff from all levels are doing more with less.

Risks and threats highly impact people and organisations whether it's:

  • conflict at work
  • managing relationships
  • chairing meetings
  • restructuring a department
  • facing a major business interruption or crisis.

The common thread is that pressure in life is a certainty and how we respond makes the difference.

Join this North Wales Branch event to learn how by employing some of the most effective tried-and-tested behaviours and techniques from the world of emergency services and sport, anyone can develop and improve their response when under pressure in any situation.

Joined by speaker Mark J Kassab, Leadership, Emergency and Crisis Response Consultant and Performance Coach.

Who should attend?

This event is open to IOSH members and non-members.

Who should attend?

This event is open to IOSH members and non-members.

Where and when?

  • Type


  • Date

    18 July 2024

  • Time

    19:00 BST

Register for this webinar

  • Managing catastrophic failures
  • Built for safety
  • Workplace health and safety culture