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Managing catastrophic failures


20 June 2024
Rogerthorpe Manor Hotel, Thorpe Ln, Badsworth, Pontefract WF9 1AB



This Yorkshire Branch event will explore philosophies, tools and exercises to improve your understanding of factors contributing to catastrophic failures.

Learning from accidents or failures is a key responsibility for safety professionals. We have a set of developed, tried and tested, transferable tools and approaches that safety leaders across multiple sectors use day in and day out to prevent, manage, and learn from failures.

This workshop allows you to learn and implement the same failure management techniques used by safety professionals from small businesses, through to multinational and complex organisations.

Joined by speaker James MacPherson, Risk Fluent Ltd.



This Yorkshire Branch event will explore philosophies, tools and exercises to improve your understanding of factors contributing to catastrophic failures.

Learning from accidents or failures is a key responsibility for safety professionals. We have a set of developed, tried and tested, transferable tools and approaches that safety leaders across multiple sectors use day in and day out to prevent, manage, and learn from failures.

This workshop allows you to learn and implement the same failure management techniques used by safety professionals from small businesses, through to multinational and complex organisations.

Joined by speaker James MacPherson, Risk Fluent Ltd.

Who should attend?

This event is open to IOSH members and non-members.

Who should attend?

This event is open to IOSH members and non-members.

Where and when?

  • Type


  • Date

    20 June 2024

  • Time

    14:00 BST

  • Venue

    Rogerthorpe Manor Hotel, Thorpe Ln, Badsworth, Pontefract WF9 1AB

Register for this webinar

  • Unusual work at a height
  • Duty to manage asbestos
  • Built for safety