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We're working with our partners to improve conditions for women in rural Africa, who face significant risks to their health and safety at work every day.

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  • Reset filters
  • IOSH calls for joint effort to address OSH inequalities
  • Fit to work with limitations
  • Workers facing uncertain future
  • Anyone can whistle – so why is the exceptional not more ordinary?
  • Diploma supports new professionals
  • Help neurodiverse workers thrive
  • IOSH backs pandemic accord
  • Caring for the carers
  • IOSH statement: “Magic wand” was missing from UK Budget
  • Researchers to explore OSH service delivery around globe
  • Stop this "crime hidden in plain sight"
  • Stronger safety and health will get young people back into work

If you’re a journalist looking to set up an interview, get a quote, or with another enquiry, call our media team on +44 (0)116 257 3118.