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IOSH AGM 2024: your questions answered

Date posted
06 February 2025
Estimated reading time
8 minute read

At our annual general meeting (AGM) in November 2024, members were able to ask questions, either live or through the chat function. It wasn’t possible to answer all of the questions at the meeting, so we’ve included them below. Answers have been provided by IOSH’s Senior Leadership Team.

    Q. Is there any plan to revise/reduce the IOSH membership fee?

    A. IOSH membership fees are reviewed yearly by the IOSH Board of Trustees and are benchmarked against against the consumer price index (CPI) inflation rate. There are many factors taken into account when setting these fees, including the overall value of membership to our members. Concessionary fees are available for some members. If you believe you may be eligible, please visit our concessionary application page.

    Q. Why have you stopped recognising or accrediting NEBOSH qualifications?

    A. We have not. Several NEBOSH qualifications are accredited for IOSH membership at both Technical and Certified grade. The full list of accredited qualifications can be found on our website. You can also read more on the NEBOSH website.

    Accreditation is a service we provide to higher education institutions, awarding organisations, and apprenticeship standards. Providers can apply to have their qualifications accredited by IOSH to unlock student membership for their learners and dedicated support from IOSH staff. This includes exclusive newsletters, access to the Student Bursary, and bespoke alumni webinars.

    Individual providers are responsible for determining if IOSH accreditation is something they would like to pursue and there are requirements to fulfil to complete the accreditation process.

    Q. How does IOSH filter the qualifications for each membership categories, knowing that there are plenty of fake qualifications circulating specifically in Middle East region?

    A. We use the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) which is a learning-outcomes-based framework for all types of qualifications. This enables us to compare qualifications from different countries. IOSH has a thorough accreditation process to ensure the quality of the course and learning outcomes.

    Q. Why has the cost of CFIOSH route increased significantly? It is unaffordable for most individuals at this stage unless businesses pay for it. Especially where there are volunteers on the assessment panel.

    A. IOSH has invested in the fellowship assessment process to ensure it is robust, fair and delivers to enhanced standards. Our fees cover the operating costs of the new fellowship assessment process, which has involved recruiting and training a team of professional assessors, senior assessors and moderators to deliver consistently well across the assessment routes. IOSH also offers a concessionary fee for those members requiring financial support with our assessment routes.

    Q. I am a safety professional working in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. I am currently a Certified Member looking to become Chartered and would appreciate some guidance on how to start. What local branch should I join and will I be assigned a mentor for guidance please?

    A. Thank you for asking this question and good luck on your professional journey. For support in becoming a Chartered Member of IOSH, our Professional Development Assessment team can provide support with the process. You can email the Professional Development Assessment team. IOSH also offers mentor support, you can find out more information on our mentoring scheme page.

    Q. Can we suggest to add an option to record the PRI (peer review interview) for CMIOSH and, in case a candidate is termed failed to meet CMIOSH requirements, he/she may have option to get the recorded session reassessed by third party (with some reasonable fees)?

    A. Thank you for the feedback. IOSH does already have a reasonable adjustments process to support members with the assessment process. We will of course take into consideration your suggested improvements.

    Q. What type of membership should a PhD holder apply for? Or are they automatically qualified for Chartered membership?

    A. For information on how to upgrade with your qualification, please email the Professional Development Assessment team. The team will be able to provide clarity on your steps for progression.

    Q. Regarding mentors, I am in the throes of completing my study to undertake my last and final diploma exam (DN1) as part of my route to Chartered membership, how do I go about getting access to a mentor to support with this please?

    A. IOSH offers a great mentoring programme. The Professional Development Assessment team can support you with the process to Chartered. Please email the Professional Development Assessment team should you require our support.

    Q. Is there an opportunity for member to engage in research and development?

    A. We welcome experts, such as OSH professionals and academics, assessing research proposals and the final project reports and other types of outputs before they are published. Ideally, members should have a good level of knowledge and experience in the subject area and be familiar with research methods, either through your work or perhaps as an MSc, doctorate or other postgraduate qualification holder. Members can complete the form on our research page to get involved.

    Q. Why is IOSH not allowing WhatsApp group in UAE? I asked because it was operating sometimes back but was resolved by the previous executives. Since then, I do not know of any other WhatsApp platform.

    A. The WhatsApp group was closed down by the then UAE Branch committee, due to various issues three years ago. IOSH does not currently use WhatsApp as a member communication channel. LinkedIn is preferred, and the UAE Branch has an active page. 

    Q. Based on the IOSH slide: “74 per cent of you recorded CPD … 46 per cent updated professional ethics training…” How will IOSH address that more than one-fourth of members are not completing CPD and more than half still need to complete their ethics training?

    A. IOSH is running a CPD engagement campaign that promotes key messages about the value of and processes for pursuing CPD and ethics. IOSH also delivers monthly workshops for CPD on how to maintain a CPD record on Blueprint and why CPD is important. Meanwhile, our CPD and Professional Development Assessment teams offer ongoing support for members, and members support one another through our networks.

    Q. I have completed my CPD in almost all of the categories within Blueprint over the last couple of years. Can I revisit these categories next year?

    A. Yes, we would recommend you do re-assess yourself and revisit any areas you feel are appropriate for you and your development. Our CPD team can support you with further advice and support. Please email the CPD team for this.

    Q. Where can I find supporting resources on your website to help me start up a health and safety consulting business?

    A. We offer a range of CPD resources for development through our CPD tool Blueprint. That’s a good starting point. You may also wish to contact our Consultancy Group to ask committee members or other members about their experiences and advice. You’ll find more information on our branches and groups page.

    Q. How much money is spent on IOSH official travel?

    A. We spend about 8 per cent of our annual budget on all travel on behalf of IOSH.

    Q. Noting practicing what you preach, regarding environmental sustainability – what has been the carbon footprint impact from all IOSH business travel combined this fiscal year (FY) or year-to-date (YTD)? And if it isn’t recorded, why not?

    A. To deliver our charitable objects, we are responsible, flexible and selective in dedicating time and resources to travelling when and where necessary. This approach builds and maintains vital relationships, identifies and pursues good opportunities, and supports our members and customers. All our staff make a business case when they wish to travel on behalf of IOSH. This challenges all of us to consider whether travel is the best way of carrying out the activity. In many cases, we participate in events instead. If we do travel, we do so as wisely as possible. However, our members ask us to attend some in-person events and certain strategically important international meetings and events are in-person only. When we travel, we make the most effective use of that time.

    Our corporate travel partner does track emissions for the trips we book through them, so we are monitoring our carbon footprint and this informs our decision-making as well.

    Since 2020, we and our employees have reduced carbon emissions from commuting by car with remote or hybrid working for much of each week. At our offices, our energy contracts are now predominantly carbon neutral and we habitually recycle 96 per cent of the waste we produce. We manage our grounds at the Grange to be biodiverse as well, removing and storing CO2 from the atmosphere. We will continue to seek opportunities to offset our carbon footprint, such as paying additional fees for offsetting at source.

    Q. How much of the money IOSH earns from countries is given back to those countries as value?

    A. We do not specifically record value received in each country compared to income received from membership, training and other commercial activities from each country. Members regardless of where they are located have access to IOSH’s wide range of member benefits, and we invest all surpluses from our commercial activities in our charitable reserves which fund projects and initiatives in various regions.

    Q. With regards to the Telford Occupational Health Service (TOHS) donation, ringfenced in the accounts, what is the intention for that funding? My understanding is TOHS has been dissolved?

    A. Telford Occupational Health Service voluntarily wound up their organisation and were left with a surplus which they donated to IOSH. The criterion for the donation was that the funds would be utilised for activities that would benefit members. Hence this amount has been designated within our accounts for that purpose. We are actively working with the former Chair of TOHS to decide how the money should be spent.

    Q. Is there an audit programme by IOSH on level 6 Diploma providers in the market?

    A. Anyone who delivers training and qualifications for IOSH is subject to a detailed approval and verification process and ongoing quality audits. The IOSH Awarding Organisation also audits learner progress, as stipulated within terms and conditions for study centres delivering its qualifications.

    Q. Are we planning to integrate or advance further with technology? For example, a mobile application for iOS where we can easily navigate the Career Hub and all courses?

    A. Applications such as the Career Hub are provided by a third-party supplier. Wherever possible, when working with suppliers, we aim for the content to be mobile responsive for ease of use, and when we specify new platforms and technologies, we seek improvements that deliver a better experience for our service users.

Last updated: 07 February 2025

  • Career lift off with new qualification
  • Help shape our profession
  • CPD you can do in an hour – or less