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Health and Safety at Work Act

Half a century of progress

It's 50 years since the UK's Health and Safety at Work Act received Royal Assent. The Act has played a significant role in making workplaces safer and healthier since 1974. We look at its impact, along with news and views on whether it remains relevant and if it needs updating.

“We are calling on the Government to ensure laws and regulation – and their application and enforcement – reflect modern working practices and a changing world of work, to ensure new and emerging hazards and risks being created by new technologies and climate change are managed and people are protected.”

Job role

We're looking to the future and changes to the way people work. What are the risks and opportunities? In our report, we explore the possible ‘what if’ scenarios that will impact health, safety and wellbeing. And we highlight the role we can all play in shaping positive outcomes.

  • Business guidance
  • Solve real-world problems
  • Support our work