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Modern slavery – improve your statement

Strengthen your approach to tackling exploitation


Under the Modern Slavery Act 2015, many UK businesses need to publish an annual 'modern slavery statement'. This statement explains the steps they take to prevent exploitation in their operations and supply chains.

Our ‘Improving your modern slavery statement’ course offers a deeper understanding of the legislation and guidance so you can develop this document further.

  • Find out how to improve your company's modern slavery statement.
  • Enhance your core skills.
  • Legal requirements of the Act and UK guidance on modern slavery reporting and the consequences of failing to report properly.
  • How to reduce the risk of modern slavery in your operations and supply chains.
  • How to report on risks and due diligence operations within your organisation.
  • Understanding of industry benchmarking.

Health and safety professionals, legal and procurement professionals, executive-level managers and directors, academics and students, sustainability and ethical managers, governance managers, ESG (environmental, social and governance) committees and executive boards.

£445 for IOSH members (excluding VAT)
£495 for non-members (including VAT)

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This course is worth 3.5 hours for your IOSH CPD record.