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Modern day slavery and human trafficking

Make sure your business complies with the latest legislation


The Modern Slavery Act 2015 includes all forms of slavery and human trafficking for exploitation.

It requires many UK businesses to publish an annual 'modern slavery statement'. This statement is to explain the steps they have taken to prevent exploitation in their operations and supply chains. The Act also encourages smaller companies to produce a ‘transparency statement’ about their recruitment practices and policies.

Our ‘Modern day slavery and human trafficking’ course explains the legislation and voluntary compliance guidance. It will help you keep your policies and procedures up to date.

  • Ensure your organisation is compliant.
  • Understand the different forms of modern slavery, government strategy and the legal framework for the Act.
  • Learn how to identify possible victims, along with how and why they may have become involved.
  • Gain the tools to assess and manage risk, prepare a modern slavery statement and respond to incidents.
  • Understand the national referral mechanism.

Health and safety professionals, legal and procurement professionals, executive-level managers and directors, academics and students, sustainability and ethical managers, governance managers, ESG (environmental, social and governance) committees and executive boards.

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This course is worth 1.5 hours for your IOSH CPD record.