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Networks review update

Member feedback shaping future plans

Date posted
17 June 2024
Helen Barnett
Estimated reading time
2 minute read

We want to make our networks more inclusive and accessible for our members. To help achieve this, we're in the process of reviewing their future.

We gave an update to Council at their March meeting on progress and next steps.

We've started with the process of proposing changes to regulations 15 and 16 of our Byelaws. These govern our branches and groups respectively. The aim is to propose one simpler regulation governing all networks and community elections.

This is a priority so that key elements of our future networks model can be delivered. We want to ensure members can more easily get involved in volunteering and find it a rewarding experience.

Focus groups

It was vital that we engaged and consulted with key stakeholders on the proposed new regulation. We invited members to get involved in focus groups exploring:

  • how the regulation would ensure an open application process
  • clear role responsibilities
  • fair access for all to volunteering roles.

We had a fantastic response to our call out, with over 275 members wanting to get involved. We invited 48 members from a range of membership grades, backgrounds, characteristics and experience to be part of the focus groups. We also gave the opportunity for everyone else to express their view via a survey, to which we had 73 responses.

Those who took part in the focus groups found it a positive experience and there were some valuable discussions and opinions expressed. The discussions focused on the purpose of communities, the name and structure of the committee, and how to recruit to them.

"It was a privilege to be involved and consulted on thoughts and opinions of the direction of the IOSH groups and committees. It was a valuable learning experience. I got real value from reviewing the current and draft regulations and listening to the thoughts of my peers."

Job role

What happens next?

We're evaluating the results of the focus groups and survey before a new regulation is drafted.

This will go through our governance structure for approval, which includes Council. 

If approved, we will then apply to the Privy Council for permission to update the byelaws of our Royal Charter and implement the new regulation.

Last updated: 28 June 2024

Helen Barnett

Job role
Head of Networks

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