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Experiential route

Progress your membership based on experience

You can now achieve Certified or Chartered status without completing additional qualifications. Our experiential route is for established occupational safety and health (OSH) leaders, including consultants who are working with businesses to drive improvements to OSH practice. It allows you to progress your membership based on the experience you’ve gathered over your career.

Who is it for?

Affiliate and Technical Members who have between five and 10 years’ relevant leadership experience in an OSH role but don’t have an IOSH-accredited Level 6 or 7 OSH qualification. Non-members who are delivering positive change at a senior OSH professional level can join IOSH at Affiliate level and, if eligible, progress through this route.

What does it involve?

The process is split into three stages for Certified applicants and four for Chartered.

  1. Knowledge assessment – verify your level of understanding against IOSH’s competencies, which will determine whether you progress to Certified or Chartered membership.
  2. Portfolio of evidence – produce evidence for eight of the 12 areas of competency in our competency framework (behavioural competencies are mandatory).
  3. Professional discussion paper – provide details about your background, choices of evidence, reflective statement on overall progression route, professional insights and vision for your future, and contribution to OSH practice.
  4. Professional discussion interview (Chartered candidates only) – talk to IOSH assessors, via video, about all the above.

How will IOSH assess me?

We will use the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) process. This gives credit to learning acquired from a range of experiences that hasn’t been previously assessed and accredited by an academic institution or professional organisation. Skills, knowledge and abilities developed in this way can be equal to those gained on formal education courses.

How long does it take to complete?

We estimate three to six months. Once registered, you will have six months to complete the process, or you will have to re-register.

How much does it cost?

Fee: £1,080. This has been set to cover the costs of delivering the assessment and does not generate a profit. In certain circumstances, and for the first time, we can offer concessionary fees to members wanting to enrol on a professional development route. 

What support is available?

You will receive feedback from the assessors when completing your assessment. Our Professional Development and Standards team are available to provide support with your assessment process. You can also gain advice and support from an IOSH mentor.

Anything else I need to know?

Our continuing professional development (CPD) programme is a key member benefit and mandatory for Certified and Chartered Members. If you’re progressing to Chartered membership, you will need to complete and pass IOSH Ethical Practice in OSH e-learning and assessment

Join as an Affiliate Member and, if eligible, you can progress your membership through our experiential route to a grade that reflects your experience.

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