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IOSH joins advisory group for apprenticeships and skills training

Date posted
17 October 2024
Marcus Boocock
Estimated reading time
3 minute read

IOSH has emphasised its position at the forefront of skills development by joining the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education’s (IfATE’s) Directory of Professional and Employer-led Bodies (‘Employer Directory’).

Inclusion on the directory means IOSH can help shape the future of apprenticeships and technical education and continue to play a leading role in developing the future OSH workforce.

The Employer Directory has a membership of over 100 professional and employer-led bodies. It provides industry-focused guidance to regulators Ofqual and Office for Students on quality assurance of apprenticeship end-point assessment. Directory members have also provided advice on apprenticeships, T Levels and wider technical qualifications, as well as occupational maps which guide employers and potential learners on different training opportunities.

IOSH Chief Executive Vanessa Harwood-Whitcher said: “Our inclusion in the Employer Directory demonstrates our commitment to advancing OSH standards in in the workplace, wherever that may be.

“We are delighted to be able to contribute to ensuring the quality and competence of professionals entering and progressing within our industry, enabling us to push for higher standards which align with our competency framework and defining the standard for good OSH.”

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Before approving IOSH’s application, IfATE considered its ability to represent employers, and its capacity and capability to carry out any work and whether there were any conflicts of interest.

Nikki Christie, deputy director for the business services division at IfATE, said: “We are delighted to welcome IOSH to the Employer Directory. The fantastic insights and guidance that industry-recognised professional organisations provide us with are really important for making sure apprenticeships and technical qualifications stay high-quality, relevant and credible. IOSH will be a wonderful addition to this influential group of industry experts.”

Last updated: 17 October 2024

Marcus Boocock

Job role
PR & Public Affairs Manager

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