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IOSH AGM: your questions answered

Date posted
13 February 2024
Estimated reading time
8 minute read

At our annual general meeting (AGM) in November 2023, members were able to ask questions, either live or through the chat function. It wasn't possible to answer all of the questions at the meeting, so we've included them below. Answers have been provided by IOSH’s Senior Leadership Team.

Q. Is a quick guide listing IOSH qualifications from the basic one to more advanced available? I would like to work my way from the fundamental courses up. 

A. Check out all the qualifications that IOSH accredits.

Q. What is the exact reason to change Grad IOSH to CertIOSH? For me, there is a higher value for Grad IOSH than the new one.

A. IOSH consulted widely with members, employers, recruiters and stakeholders in order to develop the membership grades changes. It was felt that the name 'Graduate' no longer reflected how experienced those members were and 'Certified' was voted as the new name by members. We are continuing to work with employers and recruiters to ensure the new name change is recognised and understood.

Q. You made reference to OSHCR – how does IOSH plan to increase the profile of this scheme?

A. Development plans for the Occupational Safety and Health Consultants Register (OSHCR) are under way. We have been working closely with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which has endorsed OSHCR as 'Supported by HSE. We are now able to use the associated logo on the site. The HSE has also supported the site via an increased level of profile on its own website and more links back to the OSHCR site. A development plan to improve the website and provide a broader way for members of the register to promote themselves is currently being designed for launch during 2024. This launch will be followed by a marketing strategy to support and promote the register.

Q. The duration between CMIOSH and CFIOSH is very long. Should you consider making it shorter in the way of more competency frameworks?

A. Chartered Fellows are our foremost role models for other members, their organisations, and their communities. Application for Fellowship can be made after a period of five years as a Chartered Member, criteria which has been embedded in the IOSH Charter and Byelaws since this was awarded by the Privy Council. Five years allows the newly Chartered member to gain experience and exposure to build their Fellowship portfolio based on the criteria.

Q. What is the profit forecast against the new membership assessment fees, specifically Fellowship? With a 700 per cent increase in fees, what is the cost benefit to IOSH, noting any 'surplus' should find its way back into the organisation?

A. As part of our changes to membership grades, we’ve published the new fees for assessment to Fellowship on our website. The costs reflect the strengthened rigour in the new assessment process. This includes in addition to volunteers who support the review process, IOSH now pays additional senior assessors to review the applications submitted, giving an increased level of rigour and assurance. Increased administrative support will also achieve more effective processing times for members, a better overall journey and provide more support from IOSH for members throughout. No profit is made by IOSH for the Fellowship assessment.

Q. China’s growing influence in Ghana is resulting in the erosion of safety standards, especially in mining. Is IOSH, as a safety body, able to help governments develop legislation to protect people at work?

A. IOSH works extensively with governments around the world – supporting them in developing improved occupational safety and health (OSH) legislation and practices. We are currently working extensively in Ghana to support various initiatives focused on improving OSH, and Ghana remains a priority country for us to support.

So far, IOSH has worked with the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR) in development of its masterplan and, in December 2022, we partnered with MELR in bringing together key players from unions, ministries and global bodies as part of a high-level roundtable. Alongside this, IOSH has launched a National Vision Zero initiative with MELR and the International Securities Services Association (ISSA) and is working with MELR and the International Labour Organization (ILO), focusing on the textiles and agriculture sectors.

Q. What is our mid-term and long-term strategy for the Asia Pacific region?

A. We are working with a number of international territories to increase membership. At present, we are delivering a range of engagement activities to these territories, including Asia Pacific. North East Asia (Japan and Korea) and South East Asia (Malaysia and Singapore) had been highlighted in the last Global Working summary as areas of interest to IOSH, as they represent areas that were both attractive and addressable, with routes for IOSH to work commercially and charitably. As a result of this, we work strategically with a number of organisations and partners in the Asia Pacific Region, with relationships offering us opportunities to influence policy, grow membership and establish demand for IOSH training.

Q. Within the Civil Service, health and safety professionals are not counted as a profession, therefore they are refused certain recognitions and monetary gains. Based on our change to 'professionals', is IOSH thinking about tackling this issue?

A. The way we interpret this question is that Chartered Members do not receive financial recognition or other benefits such as membership being paid by employers in the civil service. To address this, the membership team are working with the communications team on a campaign around the value of Chartered membership and raising its profile among recruiters and employers.

Please note, our Chartered Safety and Health Practitioner membership is a recognised regulated profession within the UK. We will look to promote Chartered Safety and Health Professional status as a registered profession internationally over Activate 2028.

Q. Is there any consideration for continuing professional development (CPD) completing 30 hours a year, while enrolling for a membership upgrade only late this year. Next year there is no issue as the period is longer.

A. Members who are upgrading from a non-mandatory CPD category to a mandatory CPD category will only be required to meet the 30 hours CPD after their renewal of the upgraded membership. Please contact the Professional Development and Standards team at for clarification around the requirements based on your joining date

Q. Are there plans to increase the branches outside of the UK. Especially locations where there are more members and more potential members?

A. Through our global working strategy, we identify markets where we currently operate around the world and can strengthen further, and new opportunities for membership and strategic development. This involves developing plans to raise the profile of occupational safety and health (OSH) and IOSH in the short term. And then, in the longer term, we will look to develop an IOSH branch in those regions that will support the membership. This approach allows us to establish a strong basis for membership in the region and understand the activity that will need to be supported before exploring and developing a branch.

Q. How will IOSH increase influence for employers in different countries where needed?

A. IOSH works extensively around the world to support businesses in developing their occupational safety and health (OSH) practices. Our 'IOSH for Business' offering has already supported a significant number of businesses in assessing their current OSH maturity levels and what they need to do to improve this moving forward. We have worked with a range of large multi-national organisations, including Nike, Google, Kellogg’s, Lyreco and many more, to drive real and long-lasting change.

Q. How are employees more valuable to employers after being IOSH members, so that the employer can get benefits from IOSH members when working?

A. IOSH is delivering a campaign to employers and recruiters to further enhance their understanding of the value of IOSH membership, and what it means to them as employers.

Q. Do we have a five-year forecast of budget?

A. There is a rolling five-year Multi Term Financial Plan to help with longer-term business planning and budgeting.

Q. I received an email from IOSH two months ago about the new member procedure. For anyone failing to do continuing professional development (CPD), or not attending IOSH meetings, their membership will be downgraded. For example, I am CFIOSH, if I failed to do my CPD and didn’t attend IOSH meetings, I will be downgraded to the lowest grade. Can you please confirm?

A. Setting high standards for the profession means members must continue to comply with their CPD obligations. It is mandatory for members with IOSH post-nominals to complete 30 hours of CPD annually, which going forward will be aligned to a member's renewal period. Chartered Members and Fellows must also complete the IOSH Ethical Practice in OSH e-learning and assessment on an annual basis.

Members who do not carry out their CPD responsibilities will risk being transferred to Affiliate member status and will have to go through all intermediate stages to recover their former membership status.

Sanctions for non-CPD compliance will be introduced 12 months after the launch of the new membership grades, from November 2024. The CPD team will continue to work with members, so they understand their obligations to the standard, are able to remain CPD compliant and have CPD waivers applied where appropriate. While we do encourage members to attend IOSH networks meetings, for learning, development and networking, not attending IOSH meetings would not result in a membership being downgraded.

Last updated: 12 July 2024

  • Why you’re probably doing CPD without realising it
  • IOSH launches new member grade structure