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Businesses urged to provide better menopause support

Date posted
10 October 2024
Marcus Boocock
Estimated reading time
2 minute read

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has renewed its call on employers to create supportive environments where people feel comfortable discussing menopause. Ahead of World Menopause Day (18 October 2024), IOSH is reminding bosses in the UK and some other countries that they have a legal obligation to support workers.

Earlier this year, the UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission issued guidance clarifying these obligations, adding that failure to adhere to them could land them in trouble.

There is a raft of guidance available, and IOSH has also previously issued its own information on this subject to support employers.

The advice includes the following.

  1. Considering whether existing policies and procedures cater for the psychosocial needs of menopause-related issues, for example whether they can introduce flexible working patterns.
  2. Ensuring risk assessments consider specific risks to menopausal employees and identify reasonable adjustments for individuals.
  3. Developing awareness, training and education strategies that raise understanding of the menopause and associated symptoms, their impact on work and potential solutions.
  4. Following the advice of health and safety professionals based on the outcomes of age- and gender-sensitive health risk assessments, including potential changes in functional capacities.
  5. Developing more inclusive and supportive workplace cultures and managerial styles that make employees feel comfortable disclosing symptoms or requesting adjustments to support them with symptoms.

Time to prepare

Dr Karen Michell, an occupational health specialist at IOSH, said: “Menopause often has physical, mental and emotional effects on employees, which affects their ability to cope with work. Despite this, very few workplaces and managers are knowledgeable on how to address work-related menopause issues and the preventive role that occupational health and safety can play.

“It is important that we prepare both workers and employers for what menopause might mean for them. Waiting until there is a pre-menopausal crisis is like acting once the horse has bolted the stable. Initiatives are needed to ensure we all understand the process of menopause and that employers create those supportive environments from the get-go.

“To address this, we encourage employers to approach menopause in the workplace with a more holistic view. The spotlight should be on providing effective management practices, practical support and the adoption of an open workplace culture for those experiencing symptoms. This is more effective than solely focusing on superficial initiatives, such as the development of a specific policy on menopause.”

Read our menopause guidance for employers on how to create a supportive workplace.

Last updated: 16 October 2024

Marcus Boocock

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PR & Public Affairs Manager

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