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Acts of violent disorder across the UK

Date posted
07 August 2024
Estimated reading time
1 minute read

We’re appalled by the acts of violent disorder which have been taking place across the UK in recent days. IOSH is a chartered professional body with 50,000 qualified members who adhere to a code of conduct. Our members and staff are drawn from diverse communities and united by a passion to keep people safe from harm and we abhor all forms of violence, harassment and discrimination and support those who have been affected.

Reports of attacks on the emergency services, people who serve to protect the public, give us grave cause for concern. We are also shocked to hear of attacks on vulnerable groups of workers, including delivery workers and retail staff from black and ethnic minority backgrounds. This is simply not acceptable.

As well as the risk of physical harm, experiencing violence and harassment at work can also attack people’s mental health. So, we urge employers to do all they can to keep their people safe from harm, thoroughly assessing the current risks and implementing measures which prevent workers from being harmed in the ugly scenes which we’ve been witnessing.

With people’s safety at stake, decisive action is imperative.

Last updated: 07 August 2024


  • Equality and diversity


  • bullying and harassment