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Managing Safely®
The number one health and safety course for line managers.
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Tackling risk in rural Africa
© 2025 IOSH. Registered charity in England and Wales No. 1096790 and Scotland No. SC043254. VAT registration number 705 3242 69. IOSH Services Limited company registration number 01816826.
Fill in this form to request an upgrade to Technical or Certified membership. It will take five to 10 minutes to complete if you have the documentation listed below available. For Technical membership:• full, up-to-date CV/resumé explaining your relevant health and safety experience (at least one year)• IOSH-accredited level 3 (or equivalent) qualification certificate(s)• supporting unit transcript/module pages and/or unit certificates.For Certified membership:• full, up-to-date CV/resumé explaining your relevant health and safety experience (at least two years)• IOSH-accredited level 6 or 7 (or equivalent) qualification final certificate • supporting unit transcript/module pages and/or unit certificates.If you don't have an accredited level 6 qualification but you do have five to 10 years’ relevant safety and health leadership experience, you may be eligible to progress your membership through our experiential route.
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