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© 2025 IOSH. Registered charity in England and Wales No. 1096790 and Scotland No. SC043254. VAT registration number 705 3242 69. IOSH Services Limited company registration number 01816826.
7 results
Duncan Spencer, our Head of Advice and Practice, blogs about the changing demands of the profession.
Duncan Spencer, our Head of Advice and Practice, explores a strategic approach to managing mental health in the workplace.
Duncan Spencer's latest blog looks at how blame can undermine occupational safety and health culture and how to avoid this.
Our Head of Advice and Practice, Duncan Spencer CFIOSH, looks at the implications for OSH professionals of new technologies.
Many OSH professionals are quick to suggest we are an ethical profession. IOSH explores what this means.
Looks at artificial intelligence and how it could affect management of health and safety risks in the workplace
This article examines the difference between morals and ethics and their importance for the OSH profession
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